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Category = Literal['update', 'fix', 'create', 'trim'] module-attribute


Can be used to annotate function arguments which accept snapshot values.

You can annotate function arguments with Snapshot[T] to declare that a snapshot-value can be passed as function argument. Snapshot[T] is a type alias for T, which allows you to pass int values instead of int snapshots.


from typing import Optional
from inline_snapshot import snapshot, Snapshot

# required snapshots

def check_in_bounds(value, lower: Snapshot[int], upper: Snapshot[int]):
    assert lower <= value <= upper

def test_numbers():
    for c in "hello world":
        check_in_bounds(ord(c), snapshot(32), snapshot(119))

    # use with normal values
    check_in_bounds(5, 0, 10)

# optional snapshots

def check_container(
    value_repr: Optional[Snapshot[str]] = None,
    length: Optional[Snapshot[int]] = None
    if value_repr is not None:
        assert repr(value) == value_repr

    if length is not None:
        assert len(value) == length

def test_container():
    check_container([1, 2], value_repr=snapshot("[1, 2]"), length=snapshot(2))

    check_container({1, 1}, length=snapshot(1))
Source code in src/inline_snapshot/
class Snapshot(Generic[T]):
    """Can be used to annotate function arguments which accept snapshot

    You can annotate function arguments with `Snapshot[T]` to declare that a snapshot-value can be passed as function argument.
    `Snapshot[T]` is a type alias for `T`, which allows you to pass `int` values instead of `int` snapshots.

    <!-- inline-snapshot: create fix trim this outcome-passed=2 -->
    from typing import Optional
    from inline_snapshot import snapshot, Snapshot

    # required snapshots

    def check_in_bounds(value, lower: Snapshot[int], upper: Snapshot[int]):
        assert lower <= value <= upper

    def test_numbers():
        for c in "hello world":
            check_in_bounds(ord(c), snapshot(32), snapshot(119))

        # use with normal values
        check_in_bounds(5, 0, 10)

    # optional snapshots

    def check_container(
        value_repr: Optional[Snapshot[str]] = None,
        length: Optional[Snapshot[int]] = None
        if value_repr is not None:
            assert repr(value) == value_repr

        if length is not None:
            assert len(value) == length

    def test_container():
        check_container([1, 2], value_repr=snapshot("[1, 2]"), length=snapshot(2))

        check_container({1, 1}, length=snapshot(1))