Code generation

You can use almost any python datatype and also complex values like, because repr() is used to convert the values to source code. The default __repr__() behaviour can be customized. It might be necessary to import the right modules to match the repr() output.

from inline_snapshot import snapshot
import datetime

def something():
    return {
        "name": "hello",
        "one number": 5,
        "numbers": list(range(10)),
        "sets": {1, 2, 15},
        "datetime":, 2, 22),
        "complex stuff": 5j + 3,
        "bytes": b"byte abc\n\x16",

def test_something():
    assert something() == snapshot()

from inline_snapshot import snapshot
import datetime

def something():
    return {
        "name": "hello",
        "one number": 5,
        "numbers": list(range(10)),
        "sets": {1, 2, 15},
        "datetime":, 2, 22),
        "complex stuff": 5j + 3,
        "bytes": b"byte abc\n\x16",

def test_something():
    assert something() == snapshot(
            "name": "hello",
            "one number": 5,
            "numbers": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
            "sets": {1, 2, 15},
            "datetime":, 2, 22),
            "complex stuff": (3 + 5j),
            "bytes": b"byte abc\n\x16",

The code is generated in the following way:

  1. The value is copied with value = copy.deepcopy(value) and it is checked if the copied value is equal to the original value.
  2. The code is generated with:
  3. Strings which contain newlines are converted to triple quoted strings.


    Missing newlines at start or end are escaped (since 0.4.0).

    from inline_snapshot import snapshot
    def test_something():
        assert "first line\nsecond line" == snapshot(
            """first line
    second line"""

    from inline_snapshot import snapshot
    def test_something():
        assert "first line\nsecond line" == snapshot(
    first line
    second line\

  4. The new code fragments are formatted with black if it is installed.


    Black is an optional dependency since inline-snapshot v0.19.0. You can install it with:

    pip install inline-snapshot[black]

  5. The whole file is formatted

    • with black if it was formatted with black before.


      The black formatting of the whole file could not work for the following reasons:

      1. black is configured with cli arguments and not in a configuration file.
        Solution: configure black in a configuration file
      2. inline-snapshot uses a different black version.
        Solution: specify which black version inline-snapshot should use by adding black with a specific version to your dependencies.
      3. black is not installed. Black is an optional dependency since inline-snapshot v0.19.0
    • or with the format-command if you defined one.